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Q.13) What is your opinion about Ibn Arabi, may Allah be pleased with him?

Ans) Sheikh Ibn Arabi, may Allah have mercy on him, engaged in a discourse that indicates his satisfaction with the realm of worldly existence, leaving aside the realm of the unseen. He did not consider the existence of any other being apart from these entities. He referred to all forms and manifestations as belonging to the same essence and form. He did not even possess awareness of the concept of "Waara al-Wara" (transcendence beyond transcendence), as Allah, the Exalted, is the most transcendent. Understand this well and consider it a blessing. If you are among those people, if Ibn Arabi were alive during my time, I would have elevated them by providing them with evidence and showed them the vision of "Waara al-Wara." At that time, they would have become Muslims in a new way. If this statement of mine contradicts truth and reality, then, my friends, I seek refuge in Allah's hands and seek His support.

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