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What to Do If You Don't Understand Something Your Peer-o-Murshid Says?

Writer's picture: Sufi Tanveeri PeerSufi Tanveeri Peer

I am presenting an answer from the renowned book "Nisab-e-Tasawwuf" by my esteemed Peer-o-Murshid, Ma'aruf Peer Madzillahul Aali and I will also attempt to explain it in my own words.

In "Nisab-e-Tasawwuf" (Urdu), on page 99, question number 37 asks:

Question: If you don't understand something your Peer-o-Murshid says, can you seek clarification from a religious scholar?

Answer: Peer-o-Murshid's words are always imbued with wisdom and purpose. (Every word of a Peer-o-Murshid holds deep meanings.)

One should not seek validation or clarification of the Peer-o-Murshid's words from religious scholars. If clarification is needed, it should be sought from the Peer-o-Murshid themselves. Allah Almighty states:

Surah An-Nahl, 16:43

O people! Ask those who possess knowledge if you do not know. Who are the people of remembrance? They are the ones with true understanding.

If something the spiritual guide says is not clear to you or seems to conflict with apparent knowledge, understand it like the story of Moosa and Khidr (peace be upon them).

In "Nisab-e-Tasawwuf", it is emphasized that if a disciple does not understand something their Peer-o-Murshid says, they should exercise patience and composure. The sayings and actions of a Peer-o-Murshid often contain deep wisdom and knowledge that may not be immediately comprehensible. In such situations, the disciple is advised to do three things:

1. Patience: Listen to and contemplate the Peer-o-Murshid’s words and instructions patiently. Rather than acting hastily, give time for the wisdom in their words to become clear.

2. Inquiry: If something is completely unclear, respectfully ask the Peer-o-Murshid for clarification. The purpose of a Peer-o-Murshid is to provide spiritual training and guidance, so they will be pleased to answer your questions.

3. Practice: Continue to follow the Peer-o-Murshid’s instructions, even if they are not fully understood. Many insights become clear through experience, and during practice, the deeper meanings of the Peer-o-Murshid’s words are often revealed.

By adhering to these principles, we learn that understanding a Peer-o-Murshid’s words requires patience, respectful inquiry, and practice. May Allah grant us the ability to understand and act upon the teachings and instructions of our Peer-o-Murshids. Aameen.


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