Often, new disciples, after some time, ask themselves, their fellow disciples, or their spiritual guide about the stage they have reached in their spiritual practices. As easy as this question might seem, its answer is not as simple. If you, too, have not been able to find an answer for some reason, Inshallah, today we will try to understand it in simple words.
As a general guideline, we can divide the process of meditation into four stages.
Stage - 1 Fixing the Mind on a Chosen Object:
The first stage of meditation involves fixing the mind on a chosen object, such as the breath or a sound or image of Peer-o-Murshid. By concentrating on this chosen object, we guide the mind towards stillness and introversion. As the body becomes still through the practice of postures, it creates a harmonious environment for the mind to find tranquillity. This becomes easier when the body is also trained to become still so it won’t disturb the mind. This is the main reason for practising the right posture.
A Sufi disciple sits in a quiet corner, closes their eyes, and begins dhikr softly. With each repetition, their mind becomes more focused and still, creating a sense of inner calm.
Stage - 2 Exploring the Subconscious Mind:
As the first stage is perfected, a profound shift occurs. The subconscious mind starts to flow freely, bringing forth thoughts, phobias, buried memories, and visions. This rising to the surface allows us to observe the lower mind, providing an opportunity to clear away the cobwebs and release accumulated mental baggage.
During meditation, a Sufi devotee experiences repressed memories and fears rising to the surface. With awareness and acceptance, he acknowledges these emotions, allowing him to dissipate, leading to emotional healing and spiritual growth.
Now, what have we understood here? If someone is at stage 2, in their subconscious mind, thoughts, suppressed fears, old memories, and such things start surfacing like waves. Often, the disciple feels as though they have not reached any destination. This is not correct; in fact, their journey has begun. If they continue to progress in the right manner, they will soon reach stage 3. Stage 2 is very important because this is where all our internal impurities are purged, and the heart becomes ready to receive the divine light of Allah.
Stage - 3 Turning to Superconscious Realms:
With the lower mind explored and purified, the disciple's awareness naturally ascends to superconscious realms. Here, the disciple taps into a source of profound knowledge, energy, and spiritual insight. The disciple transcends the limited sense of self and begins to identify with the interconnectedness of all existence, experiencing a sense of unity with the universe.
In deep meditation, a Sufi mystic feels a profound sense of oneness with the universe. He receives spiritual insights and wisdom, experiencing a divine connection that transcends individual identity. These all are the signals for stage 3.
Stage - 4 Attaining Self-Realization:
In the highest stage of meditation, the disciple transcends even the superconscious mind. Here, the boundaries of individuality dissolve entirely. The disciple experiences self-realization, understanding their true nature beyond the ego. This stage is ineffable and can only be comprehended through direct experience. Note that, this stage can be achieved through years of dedicated meditation and spiritual practice.
I hope by now you have understood which stage you are at.
Thank you for joining us on this transformative exploration of the four stages of meditation. As you dive deeper into your practice, embrace the profound potential for self-discovery and inner growth. Stay tuned for more insights and guidance on the beautiful path of meditation.