Every word is born from duality.
Change is synonymous with time, and the speed of transformation defines the pace of time itself.
Truth is one, but understood in various ways.
In sleeping and waking, only the opening and closing of eyelids differ.
That which is filled with desire strives to reach its destination.
A mind consumed by carnal desires remains ignorant of secrets, wandering on the surface.
Where the mind is filled with desires, it never truly exists; where it doesn't, it perpetually wanders.
The ego always thrives on change.
The greatest desire is to have no desires at all.
A person replaces a small desire with a greater one, relinquishing the former when a bigger desire is fulfilled.
We tend to focus only on areas where competition already exists.
Life is a continuous journey where various actions like anger, love, breathing, waking, and sleeping are constantly in progress.
Every discovery is essentially a rediscovery, as there is no new knowledge that hasn't been known before.However, those who had previously understood it were at a level where others couldn't comprehend, leading to the loss and subsequent rediscovery of that knowledge.
The root cause of every problem lies in possessiveness or ownership.
People often show off things they have never truly experienced or enjoyed.
Everyone fights for their own self-preservation, but the ultimate winner is the one who excels among all.
The pursuit of knowledge often hinders the acquisition of true knowledge, as every piece of knowledge is incomplete and borrowed from others.
While we may have knowledge about the Almighty (Allah), we do not truly know the essence of the Almighty (Allah).
One cannot reach their destination if they believe in rumors or hearsay.
Without the knowledge of ugliness, one cannot truly comprehend beauty.
Anger often leads to temporary madness.
We experience life and death with every breath we take.
In a certain sense, no being in this world is less intelligent than a human.
Every desire troubles a human externally, while hope troubles them internally.
The body serves as a gateway for all desires.
A person can only love something they are capable of hating.
Wasting the energy of our rational faculties unintentionally is pointless.
Darkness exists because of light; without light, darkness would have no existence.
Politics itself is not bad; it is the corrupt individuals who misuse it for their personal gain, causing it to be defamed.
Allah is of such immense magnitude that words cannot define Him.
Mistakes are like the pendulum of a watch; if they swing in one direction, they will swing in the opposite direction.
Humans have a desire to both live and die.
The desire for death is also hidden within humans.
Beauty is a mysterious treasure.
Mohammed is the embodiment of Allah's beauty, and Mohammed is immortal; the immortality of Mohammed is beautiful.
A father can give birth to a son, but a son cannot give birth to a father.
The existence of Adam predates his presence on Earth.
The unsuccessful die feeling empty, while even the successful die feeling emptier.
There is something within humans that is never fully satisfied.
Every wish is temporary, which is why even when a wish is fulfilled, humans remain restless.
Hell is depicted as a place where all wishes and desires are fulfilled.
Innocence diminishes as a person becomes more cunning.
Illness originates externally, while wellness comes from within.
A state of depression exists between happiness and sadness.
Our perception of others is influenced by our thoughts.
A fool seeks answers, while a wise person seeks those who ask questions.
Knowledge from books holds no value without practical application.
Death is not the end; it is a central part of life's journey.
Death holds significant importance in the cycle of life.
We encounter the reality of death when we lose someone close to us.
A wise person learns from the mistakes of others, while a fool fails to learn even from their own mistakes.
Death provides a higher perspective on life.
The value of education surpasses even that of the Great Wall of China.
Striving to become something else can drive a person to madness.
Those who embody paradise within themselves are truly in paradise, not merely those who admire it.
Humans desire everything but are reluctant to let go of anything.
Becoming a teacher is the most effective way to learn.
The stomach serves as the gateway to lustful desires.
Every newborn child arrives in this world with a question.
One can attain inner peace and die content when all desires have been relinquished, akin to shedding leaves from a tree.
Perception shapes our view of things, as they appear the way we want to see them.
The true essence lies not in mere action, but in being.
One who claims to know everything can only admit to not knowing.
Conversely, a person who knows nothing claims to know everything.
God's ignorance lies in not knowing oneself.
In the path of Sufism, ignorance of oneself is considered a grave sin.
Criticism holds the key to personal growth and improvement.
Do not praise someone in their presence, nor speak ill of them in their absence.
Both appreciation and criticism betray the soul, thus should be discarded.
We alone are responsible for our own sorrows.
Some faces become more beautiful when adorned with tears.
Many are proud of their beliefs, but only a few have beliefs that are proud of them.
A true master of time transcends both happiness and sorrow.
The holy saints desire our happiness, but to manifest our prayers, we must create the right environment.
One who has surpassed the realm of happiness cannot be made sad by anyone.
The heart is perpetually dissatisfied, or rather, dissatisfaction is inherent to the heart.
Engaging in play rejuvenates a person who has grown weary from work.
The one we search for is, in fact, within ourselves.
Our focus is always centered on where we are.
Knowing the one who knows, the inner knower, is true knowledge.
The distance between you and God is the same as the distance between you and yourself.
You have not truly seen your soul until you have seen yourself.
Intelligent individuals find happiness in forgiving others, while the ignorant find happiness in blaming others.
Those who are discontented with their present circumstances are the ones who seek a better future.
Ego is a cancer that afflicts the soul, and those who hold onto ego are like lifeless bodies.
The heart serves as the gateway to all desires.
The body functions as a factory for desires.
Everything revolves around its center, which brings everything into view.
God exists within us, like a seed waiting to grow.
We can only know what we have become.
Throughout history, knowledgeable priests have done more harm to religion than the illiterate.
A lie becomes most dangerous when it is presented as the truth.
The more strict the regulations, the more cheaters there will be.
Shariyat (Islamic law) focuses on creating, while Tassawwuf (Sufism) focuses on being.
A person may age, but their desires never diminish.
Nature does not differentiate between mortality and immortality.
Mere words are meaningless; pronouncing the word "water" does not quench your thirst.
Enlightened individuals are those who embrace both joys and sorrows.
You will become similar to the person with whom you hold enmity.
A miserly person is not truly rich, even if they possess great wealth.
If we deeply study women, we see them as mothers. If we deeply study men, we see them as sons.
One who is born out of sex will eventually face death.
Every seed is born with the potential to become a tree.